permanent manicures
監修:椿 知之
Long-lasting permanent manicures

Teeth manicure will gradually peel off like nails, but permanent manicure can be used for several years because it is made by applying a special resin to the teeth and hardening it. It can make your teeth white without any unevenness. It can also whiten teeth without nerves that cannot be whitened by whitening, discolored teeth caused by tetracycline, and false teeth and silver fillings. The price varies depending on the color and material.
*Permanent manicure is a unique technology of Teeth Art. You can choose your desired color from 15 colors with different whiteness and transparency.

Basic Color: 11,000 yen (12,100 yen including tax) /tooth
This nail polish is the average tooth color of Japanese people.

Natural White: 12,000 yen (13,200 yen including tax) /tooth
Because it is an orthodox color, even if your teeth are originally dark, you can whiten them to match the color of the surrounding teeth.

Regular White: 13,000 yen (14,300 yen including tax) /tooth
We use the whitest color of natural teeth, but if your teeth are originally dark, the whiteness will be slightly reduced.

Milky White: 14,000 yen (15,400 yen including tax) /tooth
Slightly whiter than Regular White.

Pearl White: 15,000 yen (16,500 yen including tax) /tooth
Even whiter than Milky White.
If your teeth are originally dark, Pearl White will make them as white as the whitest color of natural teeth.

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Extra White: 16,000 yen (17,600 yen including tax) /tooth
Even if your teeth are naturally dark, they will become as white as teeth that have been whitened with whitening.

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Brilliant White 17,000 yen (18,700 yen including tax) /tooth
It can make your teeth even whiter than Extra White. It’s as white as teeth that have been significantly whitened with whitening.

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Super White: 18,000 yen (19,800 yen including tax) /tooth
Whitens your teeth like those that have been whitened.

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Ultra White: 19,000 yen (20,900 yen including tax) /tooth
This is used when you want to make your teeth pure white.
It is so white that even whitening is not possible, and can be made as white as pure white ceramic.

施術前 施術後

Ceramic White, all colors: 12,000 yen to 17,000 yen (13,200 yen to 18,700 yen including tax) /tooth
Highly transparent, it can achieve a natural whiteness. However, if your teeth are originally dark, the color will show through.

Application of Permanent manicure
テトラマニキュア前 テトラマニキュア後
Permanent manicure for Tetracycline teeth
Even tetracycline teeth, which are difficult to whiten with whitening, can be reliably whitened without having to scrape the teeth.

セラミックマニキュア前 セラミックマニキュア後
Permanent manicure for Ceramic tooth
Ceramic teeth and dentures that cannot be whitened by whitening can be whitened without removing them.

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既存セラミックマニキュア前2 既存セラミックマニキュア後2
Permanent manicure to match your existing ceramics
You can unify the color by applying nail polish to match the whiteness of the ceramic inside.

Permanent Manicure Options
◆Teeth Coating (Top Coat)
500 yen (550 yen including tax)/piece
This is the top coat for nail polish.
By applying it over permanent nail polish, it protects the surface of the manicure polish and gives it a glossy shine. It can prevent the nail polish from discoloring initially.

500 yen (550 yen including tax)/piece
When the surface of the manicure becomes discolored, you can restore it to a clean surface with manicure maintenance.
We recommend early maintenance.
If you receive maintenance once every six months as a guide, it will last longer and will look and feel comfortable to use.

3,000 yen (3,300 yen including tax)/piece
We will repair small chips in the manicure.

◆Color change
8,000 yen (8,800 yen including tax)/piece + color difference (no difference if you want to lower the color)
This is done when you want to make your teeth whiter.
One layer of the original tooth-colored manicure is peeled off and a new color is applied.
*Only valid within one month of permanent manicure treatment

◆Polish out
7,000 yen (7,700 yen including tax)/piece
This is done when you want to completely remove the permanent manicure.

The benefits of permanent manicure
  • It can also be used on dental implants and silver fillings, and can whiten them in one session.
  • It can whiten teeth without nerves or teeth discolored by tetracycline.
  • It can be used for several years without drilling the teeth, so you can try out the nail polish before replacing your dental implants or silver fillings with expensive ceramics.
  • Since it does not drill the teeth, your teeth will return to their original state when the nail polish is removed.
  • Permanent nail polish may stain or discolor over the years, but unlike ceramic veneers, it can be replaced as many times as you like.

*Although the ceramic veneers themselves do not discolor, the adhesive used to attach them does discolor, so your teeth may darken over the course of a few years, especially if the veneers are extremely thin. In that case, the ceramic needs to be removed and replaced, but since the ceramic needs to be scraped off, more of the tooth will be scraped off when it is removed. Permanent manicure is removed with special tools that do not damage the teeth, so your teeth will not be scraped off.

Disadvantages of permanent manicure
  • Manicure can be applied to artificial teeth such as ceramics and metals, but the adhesive strength is weaker than that of natural teeth.
  • Permanent manicure is applied to teeth without drilling, but is whitened by applying resin, so it will be slightly thicker.
  • Applying the nail polish takes about 30 minutes per tooth.
  • Because it is more susceptible to staining than enamel, regular maintenance such as cleaning is required.
  • If the original tooth color is dark, the original color of the manicure may not be visible.
  • If it is only one tooth, it may be difficult to match it perfectly with the surrounding teeth.
  • To completely remove it, you will need to use a special tool.




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